Thursday, April 01, 2010

Landscape Archaeology in Ancient Wisconsin: Dane County's Effigy Mounds and the Megaliths as Cosmological Maps

Dane County's effigy mounds are a world wonder:
by David Medaris at
"Robert Birmingham was touring Ireland when he had 'a sort of epiphany.' He was visiting megaliths — large, ancient stone structures exemplified by England's Stonehenge. 'It occurred to me,' he recalls, 'that there was a connection between megaliths and the mounds here,' in Dane County [Wisconsin]....

... the massive earthworks amounted to vast 'cosmological maps,' Birmingham says."
Read the whole story about landscape archaeology here.

Birmingham's theory supports the theory by Andis Kaulins in Stars Stones and Scholars that such megalithic sites were land survey monuments sited and sighted by ancient astronomy. See also

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